Health/Fitness Archives - Get Yourself Optimized A Spirituality Podcast To Reboot Your Life Fri, 26 Jan 2024 01:39:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Journey to Self-Healing with Cathleen King Thu, 25 Jan 2024 05:00:54 +0000
Dr. Cathleen King
"When we realize our specific purpose, a morphogenic field emerges to unite our energies and transcend the dimensions of reality."
Dr. Cathleen King

“Mind over matter” may sound trite or even offensive to someone suffering from chronic illness or trauma, but my guest today has unlocked the potential for self-healing for herself and thousands of others in her program by transcending limiting beliefs.

Joining us on today’s show is Dr. Cathleen King, known to her patients simply as Dr. Cat. She’s a physical therapist and neuroscience-based mind-body practitioner focused on chronic illness and trauma healing. She is the founder of Primal Trust, a rapidly growing platform helping people around the world unlock self-healing through a holistic approach.

In this powerful discussion, Dr. Cat and I explore the mind-body connection and how we can retrain our brains and nervous systems to alleviate symptoms of chronic illnesses. She opens up and shares her own healing journey and how it led her to develop Primal Trust programming, combining brain retraining, vagus nerve toning, somatics, and trauma-informed techniques.

Whether you or someone you know is battling Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, food sensitivities, or simply feeling overwhelmed by life, Dr. Cat provides insights into shifting out of fight, flight, or freeze and into empowerment. This episode offers inspiration and practical tools to transcend suffering and reconnect with our innate capacity for self-healing. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

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Gut Health Is Crucial to Longevity with Dr. Steven Gundry Thu, 04 Jan 2024 05:00:29 +0000
Dr. Steven Gundry
"Feeding your microbiome is crucial to your overall health."
Dr. Steven Gundry

What if the very foods we think are healthy are actually harming us? Dr. Steven Gundry, a renowned surgeon and nutrition expert, joins us to upend our assumptions about diet and longevity.

Early in his distinguished medical career, Dr. Gundry pioneered life-saving surgical techniques. However, he soon realized he could prevent many procedures from even happening by teaching patients how to eat. His extensive research revealed surprising truths about foods, like lectins, and the vital role of our microbiome.

In our wide-ranging discussion, Dr. Gundry shares insights from his newest book, Gut Check, showing how our gut bacteria control most aspects of health, including immunity, mood, and even cravings. He explains the profound power microbes have to harm or heal us, depending on the makeup of our internal ecosystem. He tells the story of how a patient's dramatic heart disease reversal led him to connect diet, supplements, and health, and he discusses the latest science on how leaky gut drives conditions like autoimmunity and Alzheimer's.

It's truly an illuminating discussion of the paradoxes of modern nutrition. Dr. Gundry offers simple dietary strategies based on evolutionary biology that can help remedy chronic diseases, reverse aging, and transform lives (all disclaimers apply; please consult your physician, etc.). So, without any further ado, on with the show!

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Deathly Ill to Vitally Alive with James Guldan Thu, 30 Nov 2023 05:00:59 +0000
James Guldan
"Your body is a powerful weapon, genetically engineered to solve and heal. You just need to prepare for it to work."
James Guldan

How do we find meaning in suffering? In this powerful episode, we explore one man's harrowing health journey and the lessons it taught him.

My guest on today's show is James Guldan, whose growth firm, , Magic Agency has generated more than 1 billion dollars for clients like the Dalai Lama, Peter Diamandis, Frank Kern, and many more in the information product and physical product space.

In this episode, James discusses how, after getting divorced, he developed dozens of mysterious symptoms over the course of three years - from a collapsed lung to vertigo and renal failure. Despite seeing countless specialists, he was given no solutions besides "good luck."

Facing unbearable, unrelenting pain, James considered ending his life through physician-assisted death. But just before committing to a plan, he began improving by 1% - giving him hope. Through determination and alternative therapies, James overcame chronic Lyme disease, toxic mold exposure, and more. He shares how surrendering control and finding peace with death paradoxically brought healing. If you or a loved one have faced serious health challenges, this story of resilience is a genuine inspiration. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

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Replenish Your Jing with Truth Calkins Thu, 16 Nov 2023 05:00:43 +0000
Truth Calkins
"Jing works like a battery or bank account. If you can build more Jing than you leak, you’ll create a strong life force that illuminates knowledge and allows you to live a full life."
Truth Calkins

May the Jing be with you. After this episode, you should be well on your way!

Get ready to tap into some ancient wisdom on longevity as we connect with health coach, aka, the Jing Master, Truth Calkins.

In this episode, Truth shares his incredible health transformation after suffering from chronic infections, along with insights from running the legendary Erewhon Tonic Bar. As a Taoist tonic herbalist, he unveils the power of herbs like ginseng, reishi, and cordyceps for boosting Jing - our primal essence and life force. Truth touches on practices like yoga, meditation, and making fermented foods to stop leaking this precious life force, as well as advanced biohacks like EWOT to maximize cardio fitness. With over 20 years of experience, he provides a wealth of knowledge on optimizing your mind, body, and spirit. From kundalini awakenings to manifesting miracles, this master teacher radiates an inspiring light.

This knowledge-packed episode, chock full of ancient Chinese wisdom on health and vitality, will expand your consciousness and reveal secrets to living a long and energized life. So without any further ado, on with the show!

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Decoding Your Body’s Messages with Wendie Colter Thu, 02 Nov 2023 05:00:09 +0000
Wendie Colter
"Medical intuition is the foundation of healing; it's a powerful, guiding light for both conventional medicine and holistic healing modalities."
Wendie Colter

How can we tap into our body's innate wisdom for healing?

My guest on today's show, Wendie Colter, shares insights on developing intuition and listening to what our physical form is asking of us. As a certified medical intuitive practitioner and founder of The Practical Path, Wendie has trained thousands of healthcare professionals to optimize their innate intuitive abilities. She has successfully trained doctors, nurses, and health and wellness practitioners from every discipline, and her trailblazing research has been published in dozens of peer-reviewed journals.

In our conversation, Wendie explains how emotions, trauma, and life experiences can manifest as physical imbalances. She describes what medical intuition reveals about the deeper story behind our health challenges. We discuss why meditation helps cultivate self-awareness and subtle perception. Wendie shares fascinating case studies of how her intuitive assessments uncovered the root causes behind clients' issues. She offers her perspective on how medical intuition can support mainstream healthcare.

This is truly an inspiring discussion about embracing our multidimensional nature as spiritual beings having a human journey. Discover how we can live more consciously by honoring the profound mind, body, and spirit connection. So, without further ado, on with the show!

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An American Ninja Warrior on Peak Performance with Zack Arnold Thu, 19 Oct 2023 05:00:20 +0000
Zack Arnold
"We tell the stories that inform our realities. Life may not unfold as planned, but sometimes deviation is our true path."
Zack Arnold

How can we optimize our lives and achieve our highest potential while somehow finding peace in the process? In today's show, my guest, Zack Arnold, will guide us through this intricate balance, highlighting his journey and how he has pivoted to helping other people on the path of optimization.

As an award-winning Hollywood editor and producer, Zack achieved career success, but the byproduct of that success was exhaustion and burnout. After crashing from unsustainable work habits, he was forced to find more mindful ways to thrive.

One of Zack's key themes involves mastering self-awareness on the hero's journey. And as a two-time American Ninja Warrior, he embodies the grit and perseverance needed to overcome obstacles! In this episode, we discuss how turning failures into growth opportunities allows us to become the strongest version of ourselves. Zack talks about the profound role intuition played in his calling to direct a documentary about his late friend Christopher Rush. Despite physical disabilities, Christopher empowered others to "Go Far" -- a message Zack felt destined to share.

For those seeking to optimize their potential, Zack's example provides an enlightening roadmap. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

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Tapping into Your Body’s Intelligence with Matt Gallant Thu, 21 Sep 2023 05:04:49 +0000
Matt Gallant
"Supplements and biohacks are powerful, but optimizing your overall lifestyle is just as critical in order to reach your full potential."
Matt Gallant

How can we tap into the incredible optimization potential within our own bodies? Today's guest, Matt Gallant, provides fascinating insights from the frontiers of biohacking.

As CEO and Co-Founder of BIOptimizers, Matt brings decades of experience coaching pro athletes and formulating cutting-edge supplements. He's been a strength and conditioning coach for multiple pro athletes, a self-defense instructor, and has over 15 years of experience formulating supplements. He's also a serial entrepreneur who has built over 13 companies. It was a pleasure to welcome Matt, as his BIOptimizers Co-Founder, Wade Lightheart, was a previous guest on the podcast as well (episode 123).

Matt's optimization journey began with an obsession for bodybuilding in his teens. Later, witnessing his grandfather's health deteriorate and helping a friend lose 191 pounds cemented his sense of purpose - to help others achieve their human potential.

In our discussion, Matt recounts his experiments, from record muscle gains to leading one of America's fastest-growing supplement companies. We explore optimizing various diets based on genetics, correcting deficiencies through bloodwork monitoring, and the synergistic power of combining nutrients.

Matt emphasizes looking beyond macronutrients to overlooked micronutrients and biological accelerators like enzymes. He reveals his groundbreaking research quantifying how cofactors can dramatically boost supplement effectiveness.

Prepare to have your mind expanded on the latest biohacking innovations to come. Matt leaves us with a sense of awe at our bodies' untapped transformation potential through proper nutrition and care. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

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Wellness Wake-Up Call with Rafael Andrade Thu, 10 Aug 2023 05:00:42 +0000
Rafael Andrade
"Reflect on the world outside you and then the universe within to discover far greater insights than you can perceive with your senses."
Rafael Andrade

You know, if you've been a listener of mine for any length of time, that I'm a geek when it comes to optimizing health and performance. So anytime I can chat with an inspiring expert in the field of biohacking, I jump at the chance!

Today's guest, Rafael Andrade, left behind a 24-year engineering career to start a venture aimed at helping others improve their lives. Through a journey marked by growth and humility, Rafael discovered the necessity to unlearn outmoded ideas, embrace fresh ones, and grapple with challenging concepts.

After experiencing two significant wake-up calls, Rafael made a dramatic shift from his successful corporate life, armed with a newfound awareness of the importance of health and well-being.

In this episode, we delve into Rafael's origin story and learn about his transition into a life committed to personal up-leveling. Rafael shares his experience with different modalities, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, infrared sauna therapy, and low-level light therapy. From mastering a proper breathing process to discovering the benefits of sweat therapy and using light to reduce inflammation, Rafael's journey is a trove of practical, science-backed insights into achieving a healthier life. By integrating ancient wisdom with modern technology, he has successfully promoted resilience against disease and improved overall quality of life. Rafael's life is a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and the joy of sharing it. So, without any further ado, on with the show!

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Revitalize Through Sleep Optimization with Dr. Michael Breus Thu, 03 Aug 2023 05:00:18 +0000
Dr. Michael Breus
"Sleep is based on performance, much like running or any other sport. To excel at it, you need the right equipment—a comfortable mattress, pillows, and a conducive sleep environment."
Dr. Michael Breus

Sleep: it's essential to every process in the body, affecting our metabolism, physical and mental functioning, and our ability to fight disease as well as develop immunity.

My guest, Dr. Michael Breus, is an incredible pioneer in the field of sleep. We are in a mastermind together called M.E.T.A.L. that you might have heard me talk about before. He's a remarkable trailblazer who's lent his sleep expertise to renowned platforms like Oprah, Dr. Oz, and New York Times. Named Los Angeles' Top Sleep Doctor by Reader's Digest, Dr. Breus is a dual board-certified Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Sleep Specialist.

Dr. Breus was previously on this podcast, episode 58, which I also HIGHLY recommend you listen to. In today's episode, Dr. Breus shares his inspiration for writing his newest book, Energize!: Go from Dragging Ass to Kicking It in 30 Days. Co-written with Stacey Griffith, SoulCycle's founding Senior Master Instructor, the book explores the power of chronobiology and understanding your biological body type in conquering fatigue and enhancing health. Dr. Breus shares routines filled with energy-boosting movements, sleep, and fasting schedules that have the power to revive your vitality. If you're keen to overcome fatigue and personalize your sleep habits, don't miss this! Let's dive right in!

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What We All Need to Know About Lyme Disease with Fred Diamond Thu, 15 Jun 2023 05:00:46 +0000
Fred Diamond
"Millions of people in the chronic stage of Lyme disease were bitten years ago but couldn't get a proper diagnosis. It's difficult to cure, let alone treat, at this stage."
Fred Diamond

On the surface, today's topic might not seem relevant to you -- unless your life has personally been touched by Lyme Disease. Yet this episode holds potential lessons about resilience, awareness, the health care system, alternative health modalities, and generally taking control of one's health. Lyme Disease is an often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed chronic illness that has impacted many lives and, in the process, has often triggered some profound journeys of self-growth and transformation.

In this episode, I'll be talking with Fred Diamond, who became an expert in Lyme Disease not because of his medical training or because he got bit by the tick, but because he stepped into the role of caregiver to a loved one with Lyme Disease.

Fred is the author of the book "Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic LymeSurvivor Need to Know." He is also a contributor to In his "day job," Fred is co-founder of the Institute for Excellence in Sales, or IES. He's also authored the book "Insights for Sales Game Changers" and hosts the award-winning Sales Game Changers Podcast.

We touched on some great topics, including gratitude, yoga, keto, crowd curing, the Rife machine, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. So I hope I've convinced you that this episode will be time well-spent. So now, on with the show!

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